What plagiarism detection software is available to online instructors?
I prefer to use Turnitin. We have access to this at my school and I find it to be a great resource; it takes a lot of the work out of checking research paper sources. Sometimes I will investigate a source a bit more closely, but normally I am satisfied with what it tells me.
How can the design of assessments help prevent academic dishonesty?
I feel it is important for these programs to be easy for an instructor to use, but very clear cut in defining plagiarism or not. How these are designed can greatly affect whether they will used widespread or not.
What facilitation strategies do you propose to use as a current or future online instructor?
I think that this is a very slippery slope here. At my school first and foremost students sign an academic integrity statement when they enter my class. Then they are required to initial this at the end of any online assignment as further verification. I think that this is a good method to remind them of this responsibility to honesty, which will serve them well not only in my class but in others throughout their college career.
What additional considerations for online teaching should be made to help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism?
We should certainly use a plagiarism detection program, such as Turnitin, but we as instructors and ID's must be conscious that some students are going to look for ways to circumvent our best efforts to thwart cheating and we must always be wary of an assignment or essay, etc. which seems too good to be truly written by a student who we might think was incapable of such work. We do not want to accuse a student who s improving of cheating, but we must always keep that possibility in the back of our minds, in m y opinion.
I prefer to use Turnitin. We have access to this at my school and I find it to be a great resource; it takes a lot of the work out of checking research paper sources. Sometimes I will investigate a source a bit more closely, but normally I am satisfied with what it tells me.
How can the design of assessments help prevent academic dishonesty?
I feel it is important for these programs to be easy for an instructor to use, but very clear cut in defining plagiarism or not. How these are designed can greatly affect whether they will used widespread or not.
What facilitation strategies do you propose to use as a current or future online instructor?
I think that this is a very slippery slope here. At my school first and foremost students sign an academic integrity statement when they enter my class. Then they are required to initial this at the end of any online assignment as further verification. I think that this is a good method to remind them of this responsibility to honesty, which will serve them well not only in my class but in others throughout their college career.
What additional considerations for online teaching should be made to help detect or prevent cheating and plagiarism?
We should certainly use a plagiarism detection program, such as Turnitin, but we as instructors and ID's must be conscious that some students are going to look for ways to circumvent our best efforts to thwart cheating and we must always be wary of an assignment or essay, etc. which seems too good to be truly written by a student who we might think was incapable of such work. We do not want to accuse a student who s improving of cheating, but we must always keep that possibility in the back of our minds, in m y opinion.