Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 5

What impact does technology and multimedia have on online learning environments?

I feel that these two things are extremely important, especially in an online learning environment. The impact of technology can be far reaching; in that if the technology does not work or is inappropriate then this could very easily have an extremely detrimental effect on student success and learning in a given online course. Technology and multimedia should be used to enhance an online learning environment and to supplement in ways that enhance student learning by appealing to the different ways that different, unique students do learn. If these two things work and work well it can make an online learning experience that much better for students and if the opposite is the case it could very easily make it virtually unbearable.

What are the most important considerations an online instructor should make before implementing technology?

They should first and foremost ensure that the technology that they have picked works well, is navigable, user-friendly, and is not beyond the level or scope of the learners in a certain online educational experience. Also they must make sure that all programs, videos, games, or simulations that are included work and are not date restricted.

What implications do usability and accessibility of technology tools have for online teaching?

Both of these are integral to success in an online course. If the users can not access the program or use it then they undoubtedly will the course. This also will reflect badly on the instructor that chose the programs that do not work and that students can not use. The implications for this are far reaching because it could affect student grades and retention which in the long run could adversely affect program renewal and thus instructor job security.

What technology tools are most appealing to you for online teaching as you move forward in your career in instructional design?

I like to use the newest BlackBoard program as my CMS of choice and I prefer one the Pearson-based supplemental grammar programs, such as MySkillsLab or MyCompLab, for the programs I work with at my college. Once I get into these it really depends on the course, whether it's 85 or 95. I tend to use more interactivity in the 95 with videos, wikis, games, etc. while in 85 I am still getting students, who are returning to school after an extended absence, used to using new technology so I tend to use more Power Points and other programs that are more simple to work with.

Overall whatever technology one uses in designing or teaching a course it must be user-friendly and regularly accessible so as to lead to student success and retention.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 3 Application

What is the significance of knowing the technology available to you?

        Not knowing the technology available to you, whether as an instructor or as a student, is a quite perilous situation. The problems with not knowing how to operate a certain technology can vary from mild ignorance to almost total ineptness, in the case that one might  be teaching in a hybrid or online course setting.
      This could certainly change the outcome of the learning experience for every student invcolved and this could result in the instructor's contract for the course not being renewed.
      On a lesser basis, not knowing how to use the functions of let's say BlackBoard will hinder students in getting their grades back, It will giove an instructor fewer options as they look for ways-YouTube viodeos, PowerPoint presentations etc- which could help to bolster a lesson for auditory or visual learners. This could also have many other unforeseen troubles too.
     In my opinion, it is extyremely important for an instructor to know how to use the available technology to the best of their abilities to make for the best possible learniong experience for their students.
Why is it essential to communicate clear expectations to learners?

       It is extremely important to clearly communicatye all expectations to students at the beginning of a course because this easily impact the ways in which they approach the course, work in the course, and even if they decide to audit or to drop the course. The clear conveyance of expectations puts everyone on the same page as a new class begins, thus no student can say that they started out at a disadvantage.
       Even if this is not done the first day of class, it surely must be done in a clear, concise way within the first few days. This will alow for a better start to the semester and tghus a better flow, in my opinion.

What additional considerations should the instructor take into account when setting up an online learning experience?

Certainly, they must considera technology, students, classroom miscellaneous factors, but I feel that it is important to keep in mind the functionality of all programs that are chosen to complete a certain part of a course. Instructors should be familiar with all aspects of the techgnolgy that are relevant to the course sio that they can be sure to supplement lectures, labs, etc. with these things to make for a better overall educational experience for the students, thus they may gain more, additional  knowledge from these supplemental materials.

As far as new things that would assist me in setting up an online class, I feel that just the reminder to use all necessary aspects of a given technology to the betterment of the learning experience is a grand thing. I was reminded to do things that I do not do each semester because I have set up BB BlackBoard templates for the courses that I teach and thus I only change these every other semester or so to keep up with my videos dating out or other technical issues, but I can say that this helped me to see that streamlining the info available on these could certainly help student information retention and functionality.